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Getting a little better


So I've had a mini winning streak. Not big wins, but consistent and strangely at the same place. My new favorite place. Fortune Poker in Renton, WA. This is a small summary of 3 sessions.

First session. New table. Started in seat 4. Won a small allin vs player 3 who bought in short. He had TT and I called a raise and my 99 hit a set. I changed seats because the 2 players to my left were pretty good and there were 2 beginners to the next of them and a seat opened up after them (seat 9). I noticed one of the beginners (a girl) was getting 'lucky' and always betting the flop and calling raises. One guy said it was beginners luck and actually one guy saw it another way. I did too. She bet way too much. I just waited for some decent cards and called her bets and when she checked, I bet and she folded. I got in one big hand with her but overbet and she folded to my full house. Anyways, I had a couple boats and some decent hands and left with a profit of $205.

Next night. New table again. Had a beginner player to my left. I think only one mistake and of course it was against this beginner. AQo in middle and I raise to $15. Beginner calls to my immediate left. 2 players. Flop 954. I check. He bets $20. I call. Turn is 7. Check. Check. River T. Check. He bets $35. Here I should fold. I have only bluff showdown value. I call for some reason. He has 2 pair. A new player joins in seat 1. Very loose and aggressive. He plays 90% of hands and bets like crazy. He got very lucky to double up early. I finally get into a hand with him.

Next night. Finally joining a table. Didn't get too many good hands. Best hand I got was 97d and I rasied to $15 on the CO. Button calls and 2 other players. Flop is kind like a dream. 965 2 diamonds. I bet $35. Only button calls. Turn is making this hand better for me. It a 9. I bet $50. Button calls. I might have a 9 and I'm sure his kicker is better or could be on a flush draw. Both are rare situations since I have blockers. So river makes it really good. Its a 7h. So if he misses his flush draw his only chance is to bet to win this big pot. If he has a 9 with a K or A kicker then he might think he is best. I check to induce a bluff or value bet. He bets $60. I think a little bit and raise to $150. He does fold which does suck. He says he has a straight...played T8.

Another hand which was nice was 77. Unfortunately the player bluffed at the end. I hit my set.